Where Does Trump Align With GOP on Issues?
Credit: Julio Cortez/AP Images.

Where Does Trump Align With GOP on Issues?

Last week, Election Central brought you news of which individual members of the Republican Party leadership have come out in support of Donald Trump and which have not (or have not yet decided). This week, we look at how the billionaire mogul aligns on various issues with the Republican Party in general.


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Like other stances, Trump has made contradicting comments about taxes. Most recently, he said that he supports raising taxes on the wealthy. The Republicans are generally opposed to tax increases of any kind. On the minimum wage, Trump has changed direction, first saying that it was too high and that it slowed job growth, and then claiming that it was too low to live on. Republicans, on the other hand, have consistently opposed any increase to the federal minimum wage.


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The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the large-scale trade agreement made between 12 Pacific Rim countries, was signed earlier this year. The Republicans (including Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator Ted Cruz) consider the deal a “historic opportunity to help American businesses.” Trump, on the other hand, has called the deal as horrible and believes it favors China's economic needs more than the United States..


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Republicans, nearly across the board, oppose universal health care and have made several attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Trump, however, believes in improving this reform rather than eliminating it. He also believes that the federal government should negotiate lower prescription drug prices, a measure adamantly opposed by most Republicans.


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Of all of the issues debated during this election season, one of the most extreme has been Trump’s stance on immigration. He has vowed to build a wall between the United States and Mexico and called for a “total and complete shutdown” of all Muslims entering the U.S. The Republican leadership has opposed this standpoint, calling it discriminatory and a violation of the Constitution.

Foreign Policy

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Often criticized for his lack of experience in foreign policy, Trump says that the overriding theme of his administration will be, “America First.” He has vowed to not send troops into another country unless it was absolutely necessary. On President Obama’s decision to re-establish ties with Cuba, Trump has gone against most Republicans by calling the policy, “fine,” But Trump has also accused the president of compromising too far without getting anything in return.

Gun Control

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Trump has been a vocal supporter of the Second Amendment (and an admitted gun owner). However, he differs from many conservative Republicans (who generally dislike gun control laws) by siding with groups who support restricting guns for those on a terrorist watchlist.

Social Issues

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On the recent debate over transgender access to public facilities Trump said that he believes that transgendered people should be able to use the bathrooms of their choice. On same-sex marriage, he vowed to appoint Supreme Court Justices who would overturn the 2015 ruling that protected it at the federal level. Once a pro-choice advocate and supporter of Planned Parenthood, Trump has recently shifted more in line with the Republican Party's stance against Planned Parenthood.

What Do You Think? A major criticism of Trump’s stances on issues is that he, “sounds like a Democrat.” In response, he has said that he is, “running on common sense” and didn’t like to think in terms of labels. As the presumptive Republican nominee, how do you think this attitude affects the GOP platform? Explain your answer.

David Martin