Past Elections

Explore the elections of the past to better understand the history of politics and elections in the United States.

While the 2008 election is truly an historic one with the election of Barack Obama as the nation’s first African American president, other elections of the past are also notable.  Follow the links below to learn about these elections as well as significant advances in voting rights and political participation.

President George W. Bush was elected twice. He defeated Al Gore in 2000, and John Kerry in 2004.

President George W. Bush was elected twice. He defeated Al Gore in 2000, and John Kerry in 2004.

Election 2012

You Decide 2012

Election 2008

Election 2008

Electoral Votes by Candidate

President Barack Obama’s first term Inauguration, (BTW, 2009)

Historic Elections and Candidates

Interactive Presidential Time Line, 1787-2009

Major Third Party Candidates

Swings in Control of Congress

Republicans Make Gains in 2009 Elections (BTW, 2009)

Election Day Results in Republican Gains (BTW, 2010)

Election Milestones

Notable Candidates in History

Other Election Resources

Maps In Motion: Voting Rights For Women

Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act

Organization of Political Parties

Project Presidency site (Election 2008 Coverage created especially for K-5 students)