Why a donkey? Why an elephant?
JupiterImages/Comstock Images/Alamy
11 Mar
Written by Lia Eastep

Why a donkey? Why an elephant? »

Why did the two major political parties choose a donkey and an elephant as their party symbols? Actually . . . they didn’t. Read more…

Meet the Candidate: Mitt Romney
CREDIT: Gage Skidmore
11 Mar
Written by David Martin

Meet the Candidate: Mitt Romney »

Candidate Name: Willard Mitt Romney

Political Party: Republican Party

Present Position/Job: Romney was most recently a candidate for president, running for the Republican Read more…

Republicans Make Gains in 2009 Election Races
Momentum Creative Group/Alamy
4 Nov
Written by David Martin

Republicans Make Gains in 2009 Election Races »

Future Impact

Political observers differed regarding the significance of the election and its impact on the future. Some believe the results reveal what Read more…